There are 233 pairs of trains running between Shanghai and Suzhou (苏州) in Jiangsu Province, including 149 pairs of G category high-speed trains, 26 pairs of D category high-speed trains, 8 pairs of Z category trains, 5 pairs of T category trains, 43 pairs of K category trains and 2 pairs of slow trains.

  • Distance: 105 km (65 miles)
  • Shortest duration: 23 minutes
  • Number of trains: 233 pairs of trains

If you want updated schedules, you may use the search tool at the top of this page, or search on China Highlights Train Ticket Service.

Shanghai to Suzhou Train Schedule

(Updated on July 5th, 2019)

Train Type Departure Arrival Duration Ticket Price
G category train Shanghai Hongqiao Station / Shanghai Railway Station Suzhou Railway Station / Suzhou North Station / Suzhou Industrial Park Station 23 – 44 minutes Business class:USD19 First class:USD9 Second class:USD6
D category train Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai Hongqiao Station Suzhou Railway Station / Suzhou North Station 28 minutes – 1 hour First class: USD5 Second class: USD4
Z category train Shanghai Railway Station/Shanghai South Station Suzhou Railway Station 45 minutes – 1 hour 45 minutes – 1 hour
T category train Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai South Station Suzhou Railway Station 50 minutes – 1 hour and 22 minutes Soft sleeper:USD15 Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD3
K category train Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai South Station Suzhou Railway Station 54 minutes – 2 hours and 22 minutes Soft sleeper:USD15 Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD9
Digit-only train Shanghai Railway Station Suzhou Railway Station 54 minutes – 1 hour Soft sleeper:USD15 Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD3

Suzhou to Shanghai Train Schedule

(Updated on July 5th, 2019)

Train Type Departure Arrival Duration Ticket Price
G category train Suzhou Railway Station / Suzhou North Station Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai Hongqiao Station 23  – 46 minutes Business class:USD19 First class:USD9 Second class:USD6
D category train Suzhou Railway Station / Suzhou North Station Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai Hongqiao Station 26 minutes – 59 minutes First class: USD5 Second class: USD4
Z category train Suzhou Railway Station Shanghai Railway Station 49 minutes – 1 hour and 6 minutes 45 minutes – 1 hour
T category train Suzhou Railway Station Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai South Station 54 minutes – 1 hour and 46 minutes Soft sleeper:USD15 Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD3
K category train Suzhou Railway Station Shanghai Railway Station / Shanghai South Station 59 minutes – 2 hours and 34 minutes Soft sleeper:USD15Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD3
Digit-only train Suzhou Railway Station Shanghai Railway Station 1 hour and 22 minutes – 1 hour and 24 minutes Soft sleeper:USD15 Hard sleeper:USD10 Hard seat: USD3

For the detailed timetable, please click Shanghai – Suzhou bullet train schedule.

Suzhou to Shanghai Train, China Train

How to Choose Shanghai – Suzhou Train Types?

High-speed trains are the best choice for trains between Shanghai and Suzhou. There are 149 pairs of G category trains and 26 pairs of D category trains, running from early in the morning till late at night. The numerous options offer passengers plenty of choices at almost any time. High-speed trains are punctual and more comfortable than normal-speed trains.

Read more about how to choose China train types and seats.

Useful Tips for Shanghai – Suzhou Train

  • There are two cities named Suzhou in China. One is 宿州 (Suzhou), in Anhui Province. The other is 苏州 (Suzhou), which is the capital of Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai and famous for its gardens and water towns. Please make sure that you choose the right city when you make a booking.
  • If you would like to visit Tongli Ancient Town from Suzhou, the most convenient way is to take a taxi. It takes around 50 minutes and costs USD20 for one way.
  • Suzhou Railway Station (苏州站) is centrally located in Suzhou City, whereas Suzhou North Station (苏州北站) and Suzhou Industrial Park Station (苏州园区站) are far away from downtown. It is recommended that you choose trains that depart from and arrive at Suzhou Railway Station.


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