Trains between Beijing and Suzhou include 18 pairs of daytime high-speed trains, 1 pair of high-speed overnight trains and 3 pairs of normal-speed overnight trains. All the trains between Beijing and Suzhou have a stop at Shanghai.

Daytime high-speed trains (G trains) run bewteen Beijing South Railway Station and Suzhou North Railway Station, which are both far away from downtown. High-speed train (D train) and normal-speed overnight trains operate at centrally located Beijing Railway Station and Suzhou Railway Station. High-Speed trains take 4 to 5.5 hours to cover 1,141 kilometers (709 miles); overnight trains take 11 to 17 hours traveling between Beijing and Suzhou.

Basic Information

  • Distance: 1,141 kilometers (709 miles)
  • Shortest duration: 4 hours and 9 minutes
  • Terminals of G trains: Beijing South Railway Station (北京南站), Suzhou North Railway Station (苏州北站)
  • Terminals of overnight trains: Beijing Railway Station (北京站), Suzhou Railway Station (苏州站)
  • Main stops: Beijing, Jinan, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Suzhou

Beijing to Suzhou Train Schedules

(Updated on July 6th, 2019)

TrainTypes Departure Arrival Departure Time Duration Ticket Prices
G category high-speed trains Beijing South Railway Station Suzhou North Railway Station 6:43-17:43 4h41m – 5h39m Business class: USD254
First class: USD136
Second class: USD80
D category overnight high-speed trains Beijing Railway Station Suzhou Railway Station 19:22 11h12m Soft sleeper: USD95
Second class: USD35
T category fast train Beijing Railway Station Suzhou Railway Station 19:30 14h09m Superior soft sleeper: USD128
Soft sleeper: USD69
Hard sleeper: USD44
Ordinary train Beijing Railway Station Suzhou Railway Station 11:54 17h56m Soft sleeper: USD66
Hard sleeper: USD42

Beijing to Suzhou up-to-date train schedules.

Suzhou to Beijing Train Schedules

(Updated on July 6th, 2019)

TrainTypes Departure Arrival Departure Time Duration Ticket Prices
G category high-speed trains Suzhou North Railway Station Beijing South Railway Station 6:55-17:49 5h01m – 5h44m Business class: USD254
First class: USD136
Second class: USD80
D category overnight high-speed trains Suzhou Railway Station Beijing Railway Station 22:13 11h09m Soft sleeper: USD95
Second class: USD35
T category fast train Suzhou Railway Station Beijing Railway Station 18:54 14h36m Superior soft sleeper: USD128
Soft sleeper: USD69
Hard sleeper: USD44
Ordinary train Suzhou Railway Station Beijing Railway Station 13:24 21h22m Soft sleeper: USD66
Hard sleeper: USD42

Up-to-date Suzhou to Beijing train schedules.

Related Articles

  • Beijing–Shanghai high-speed trains
  • China's 10 fastest trains
  • Overnight trains in China
  • How to read a China train ticket


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